While it appears I have been neglecting my blog I have truly been very busy. Kodak gallery is having a sale on prints right now. All my free time has been in uploading the hundreds of photos I have to their website. Which let me tell you...has been very little free time. This has definitely been a week I would never want to relive. Okay, we are potty training. And I think that is going okay. It could definitely be worse. Of course, it could definitely be better. But despite that this week has been horrible. I told Jeff that this week I feel like we are missing something. That we are going about this parenting thing wrong. Or we didn't get the message that we have done everything incorrect up till now. We have been home all week. I don't know if they are just stir crazy, but they are definitely crazy. Tonight we have a date night planned. Although I am ecstatic to be out the house without the kiddos for a couple of hours, I am nervous to leave the kids alone. Well, that sounded horrible. Jeff's mom is coming over to watch them. We would NEVER leave our kids home alone. It is so rare to have someone watch our kids that I am afraid after tonight even Brenda won't want to come back. I am really excited because it feels like we just had a date night. In the middle of May we went out. Every other month having some alone time is awesome. So yesterday was horrible from start to finish with the kids. Well, Jonah and Juliet have been really good. Jonah has been very good. Whenever I ask him to do something he says, "sure, Mom! I can do that." Let me just say that I am kids go through seasons. My no means do I have one child that is my 'trouble maker'. I don't like to label the kids. Each of them has had a particular season when it is their time to be challenging. We recently went through this with Jacob. And even though Jacob has been somewhat behaving better he still definitely keeps me on my toes. This is the deal with Jacob. Okay he will do something bad then we will look up at you with his little eyes and say, "I am sorry, I love you so much and I didn't mean to do that." Seriously, he is only 3 and he already has this down! Yesterday morning, well yesterday period it was Jackson who I was at a loss with. I really need to get my parenting books out. One in particular is a book my friend Tiffany gave me. His behavior has been horrible. It is definitely his season. But his mouth and the lying are out of control. Seriously the lying. He will blame anyone for something I just witnessed him doing. Then the back talking is getting out of hand too. I yell, I get down on my knees and talk to them all sweet and try to 'reason', I spank, I do time out, I threaten, and I have even bribed. You name it I tried it all before 10a yesterday. So, while I should be showering and making breakfast before the kids wake up. Instead, I am up stairs enjoying the quietness and morning rain venting on my computer, reflecting on how horrible yesterday was. I should be preparing for the madness of today. The house is disgusting. I am so behind. I really think I need two washing machines and two dishwashers. Because neither of them can keep up with this family. But let me just tell you yesterday totally ended with me having a complete breakdown. I couldn't go one more step. I was exhausted in
every way. Then comes bedtime. Why is this such a horrible thing?? The kids go down at 8p. At 10p we were still dealing with them running around upstairs. And it is not that they are just running around it is everything they get into. The bathroom attached to their room has been an on again off again issue. I don't want to lock the door in case their is an emergency or they really do need to pee. So, last night we started off with them taking water out of the bathroom and putting it into their room. Their beds, clothing and floor were wet. Jeff was mad but he said, "it is water, it will dry." When I went to check on them despite everything being wet they had also started breaking these cute little shelves my mom had bought them. They are darling (the shelves, not the kids). Jeff had taken them away when we first moved in. But I just recently put them back into the room. Thinking they had grown out of that. They had removed the screwed out of them. How? I have no idea. Their room was destroyed. I had super cleaned it two days ago and last night they destroyed it. It wasn't just that it was messed up, they actually break everything. I don't know. I go up there and they are breaking things. We had recently put a lock on our office, but they had broke things in there too. Then I went downstairs to water my flowers. I couldn't find the pitcher I use because the kids ran off with it. So, I had to improvise. My flowers always want to die. That is upsetting. I took the trash out back and the wind had knocked over my table and I had these glass candle holders on it. Well, they were all broke on the ground. Note to self-clean up glass asap before kids come outside to play. Man, I just stole those glass candle holders from mom's garage sale and I really liked them. Then I was walking back into the house and the cats have pooped all in my flower bed. That just stank. Man, really?! I went into the kitchen and it was still destroyed from dinner. I still needed to clean up. Then I
proceeded to the bathroom and the floor had pee all over it. I just cleaned the floor a couple of hours ago. I just can't keep up! I said to heck with all of it and decided to go to bed. But right then Juliet starts screaming in her room. Wow, it was a really bad day. But I am convinced today will be a great day! It is a new day. It is raining. I LOVE rainy days. We have date night planned. It is Friday. And I am prepared if the kids do anything wrong I am totally kicking butt. Haha!