It's race weekend in Indy! Get your coolers, sunscreen and those crazy hats that hold your beer and get to the track. Sounds like fun. That is not my agenda, but it could be yours. We will be having our annual cookout at my parents house. This weekend is going to be busy. We will be celebrating birthdays, end of school program, helping with some major landscaping projects and trying to relax. Oh, and I am planning on having a garage sale tomorrow. That last one really stresses me out. In my lifetime I have probably had at least 20 garage sales. I still absolutely hate them! It should be so easy. Get yo stuff, put yo stuff on the lawn, people give you cash, the end. Geez, but I feel like it needs to be organized, and marked with prices that are easy to see. And should this event include baked goods? Maybe, that's just me. We have the boys' last soccer game of the season this weekend. I love soccer. I think that is my favorite sport to watch them play. They are really getting involved and loving it. Well, Jackson isn't playing. This time it was just Jacob and Jonah. I can't believe how aggressive Jacob has become. I am thrilled and proud. When Jonah isn't distracted by the dirt and rocks he is doing awesome too. I used to get so frustrated with Jonah. He is easily distracted by random things, like rocks. But that is just Jonah. Jonah's personality is amazing for me to watch. At soccer a couple of weeks ago he was playing in the dirt. The coach was telling him something. Finally, our coach says, "Jonah, what did I just say?" Jonah turned around and repeated everything single thing word for word. It's almost like his brain can not do just one thing at a time. He needs to be doing multiple things. But I do wish Jackson would have played something this spring. We gave him every option we could think of. Now, he is regretting his decision. Every week he has complained that he made the wrong choice. The kids are growing so quickly. It is easy to get sad thinking about how quickly time passes. I try to focus on how blessed I am getting to watch them grow. I haven't included pics lately. Over spring break April and I took the kiddos bowling.
This pic is just funny. Walking past the bathroom I saw Juliet doing her business while on the phone. I don't know where she would have learned this! It cracked me up. She will probably kill me one day for posting this. By the way, this was taken after we brushed her hair. I really don't know what happens.