Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I haven't blogged anything in awhile. I generally feel 'inspired' to write when I am having a blah day and need to vent a little. Today is no exception. I really want my blog to be upbeat. However, this is my only outlet so most of my blahness will appear here. I truly am a very happy person. You just may not know it if you only read this. I have felt very blah since Jeff got home from the Great Banquet. I am definitely not feeling like myself. My biggest symptom is being unsociable. That is just not me. But blah. I have these great plans this weekend and I am finding myself very dreading it. I am not sure why. I definitely think I am need of some adult time. Lately, I have not been getting any time to myself. I have been taking kids to the grocery store. Generally that is the only time I have alone. It has been a couple weeks since I have seen any of my friends. Over the weekend the kids and I were sick. I was more blah than sick, but definitely just not myself. Today I can tell I have zero patience for my kids. They just open their mouths and I want to cry. My throat is killing me and I don't know if it is a symptom of being sick or if it is because I have yelled at the kids too much. Geez, I don't like days like this, very melancholy. Wow, are you glad you decided to read this?
Over the weekend we did have an amazing day with family. We had a mini family reunion/family picnic. Despite the fact that much (most) of the family was unable to attend I thought the day was a lot of fun and a huge success. I definitely missed everyone that was unable to attend. I miss the noise and chaos and the catching up when all of us are together. I am really hoping that this is something we can do annually. Growing up I remember my dad's side hosted a family picnic every summer at my dad's brothers' work. My Uncle Tim (whom I really adore and very rarely see) works for IPL. We would picnic at the park in Martinsville. I think it is Martinsville. It has been years since I have been there. But I really remember that time with family. Now having kids I want them to feel comfortable around everyone and be close to everyone. I never want my kids to wonder who cares about them or thinks of them. And I want them to have lots of support and love around them at all times. Lately Jeff and I have been doing a lot of talking about what would happen if something did happen to Jeff and me. Like I said, aren't you glad you are reading this? I am just a ray of sunshine today. But if tragically something happened I would just want people coming out of the woodwork to love on my kids. Even if nothing happens to us I just want that so badly for my kids. Nothing makes me happier then when I see someone genuinely being kind to my kids. Okay, so like I was saying we had a great weekend with family. We picnicked at Brown County. Although I can't take the credit for picking the park, I honestly don't think we could have found a better spot. I LOVE Brown County. Every time I visit there (at least half a dozen times this year alone) I am amazed how much I instantly think of my mom. It is probably one of the warmest memories and special places I can recall going with my mom. It just isn't the same now as it was then. I loved the car ride down there. I loved the shopping and the fudge. I loved the time with her. It is funny because I am pretty sure other people went with us, but in my memory it is just me and my mom. If you are reading this, Mom thank you so much!
Okay, I will really try to get some pics of last weekend on here soon. I am leaving tomorrow night for the Great Banquet. Maybe I will add that to my list to get done tonight. Jeff is working very late tonight. Only God knows what I will be able to accomplish with four kiddos.

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