I am upstairs reading over some of my older post when I hear Jacob say, "Oh man! This toilet seat has pee all over it!" Really?! The joys of having three little boys. I keep telling myself I am going to document all the things the boys say. At this age there are some pretty funny things they say. However, yesterday Jackson told me get out of his business. I thought, 'wow, that sounded like he told me to get out of his business. But I really don't think he knows that word.' I asked him to repeat it. And sure enough very clearly the second time, 'Mom, get out of my business!' I told him to go to the bathroom and wash his hands with soap. I knew he wasn't going to use soap. I followed him into to the bathroom to make sure. I guess washing your hands is his business. I definitely informed him that he has no business that is not my business. I was not amused.
This morning the boys were getting ready for school. Jacob got dressed and went into the bathroom and was checking himself out. Then he informed me that he didn't want to go to school. Yesterday he was trying to walk from the top of the rocking chair to the top of their little tool table. He was not successful. He has a little gash on his nose and he was bleeding. So, this morning he tells me that he doesn't want to go school because he didn't want the other kids to see his nose. I was so blown away. I thought scabs and scars were cool for boys. And I couldn't believe that my four year old was so worried about his appearance. There have been a lot of other things lately. I will try to update more later. Right now the boys are singing the songs they learned at school while laying in bed. These are the moments I truly treasure.
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