Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am really looking forward to starting a new year. The idea of a new year is great to me. It is a clean slate, a fresh start. I always make new years resolutions of some sort. This year is no exception. The other day I was discussing resolutions with my brother in law Mike. He asked if I have ever kept my new years resolutions. Quickly my response, "No!" No, I have never kept a single new years resolutions that I can think of. Since the age of four my new years resolution has been to lose weight. So, of course since I love traditions one of my top resolutions is to lose weight. And I don't care that it may be silly. I am way too optimistic to give up on it now. Next year that will NOT be one of my resolutions. This will be the year I conquer my weight issues. I feel so confident saying that because I have been seeing a weight loss doctor. Although, the scale has not reflected any significant weight loss yet I am feeling better. I could go on forever about weight loss. I think I have been on diet since the third grade. I will save more on that for another time. But going back to what Mike asked me and my response. No, I have never kept any resolutions. However, I feel like each year I get better. I get better with money, I eat a little better, I become a little more organized. I did walk the mini last year! I set unrealistic goals for myself, especially at the start of the year, because even if I fall short I am still improving. This year I want to be one of those crazy coupon people in the grocery stores. You see them on tv. They get twenty boxes of cereal for a dollar. Jeff and I are going on a crazy tight budget. We want to save every single penny we can. Number one we want to pay off his school loan. It is not that big. Once it is paid off we will be debt free besides the house. We just received this bill in October. Then we want to save enough to take the kids to Disney. I am praying we keep our focus. In addition to losing weight and saving money I want to continue working on organization. There are two keys to being successful in life.......being prepared and being organized. With those two things you can be successful at anything. Well, that is what I think. I stole this idea from someone else, but until NYE I am really trying to spend all my extra time organizing my home. Hopefully, I will start the year with a clean organized home. In the last two days I have completely organized my bedroom and most of my kitchen. Our bedroom is always the last place to get clean. I generally always start in the kids bedrooms, the playroom or kitchen. As most parents anything that belongs or pertains to them goes last. This time I decided it would be most beneficial to have a clean organized place to rest. Our bedroom is wonderful. It is so tiny but everything has a place. And we pulled out a couple bags of clothes for garage sale. Yes, I gather my garage sale items up all year round. It is really on my heart this year to have a FREE garage sale. I will post more on that later. Okay, I can't keep the animals, I mean children back any longer. Gotta dash.....


  1. You should post your blog link on FB! You are good at blogging and it's always interesting to read :) Way to go on the organization. I'll grade you tomorrow on how you did. LOL :)

  2. Okay, so your post reminded me about a small blurb I heard on k-love on my way to work today. There was a guy talking about 'One Word' vs. Resolutions. I just went to kloves website and found the link to the 'one work' guy. You have to check this out
