Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Girls Weekend

Over the weekend I had the great pleasure of traveling with my sister to Minnesota.  She had business on Friday there.  We made a girls weekend out of it.  Most of the weekend was spent at Mall of America.  That place is so much fun.  The biggest pleasure was being able to enjoy meals without kids.  We did enjoy every meal.  The food was definitely awesome.  It was great to spend time with my sister.  We haven't travelled anywhere together since before getting married!  I love to fly.  So, that was a special treat.  I never really get out.  I know that sounds funny.  When we arrived in Minnesota I was reminded how ginormous this World is.  People, construction, buildings and more people everywhere.  Sometimes I, and maybe you live day to day not thinking of this.  I am so grateful to my sister for the amazing weekend, for the opportunity to step outside my little box. 

Anxiously waiting...

When I started this blog I was just wanting a place to vent express all the great moments of motherhood.  I hate unloading on my husband when he walks in the door from work.  However, being a stay at home mom that happens often.  Since the boys have started kindergarten I feel like I am in a new chapter of my life.  Gone are the days of diapers (and accidents at the worst moments), spending hours on the floor with babies crawling everywhere, and days that are so routine but never quite the same as the day before.  (Typing that almost made me tear up...almost) Things are so different now.  Although my kids are still young (boys are on the verge of turning 6, Juliet is 3) things have just significantly changed.  The woman inside me, not the mom is needing a new venture.  I have this insane anxiety/anxiousness for the next chapter in my life.  Can I dare say it out loud?  Working.  I mean working for an income.  It is really on my heart right now more than ever.  I am consumed by it right now.  Praying day and night for something. What Lord is next?  The last two Sundays our Pastor has mentioned not being on our schedule but God's.  Sometimes we think God should moving, hearing us and responding now.  This is an emergency, right?  God where are you?  I know with everything in me he has more plans for me.  Plans to prosper!  I am confident in my faith that He has a plan.  I am waiting for it to unfold.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Has it really been a year?

Wow, I feel like I updated this blog somewhat recently.  However, it has been a whole year!  Time flies!  I have been feeling the need to get back to it.  The boys are in full day kindergarten.  My little Juliet is in preschool.  She only goes twice a week for 2 1/2 hours at a time.  But with the boys out the house so much I feel like I have time on my hands.  It is weird.  But one of my biggest struggles right now is balancing family time and me time.  I am home all day with Juliet.  I feel like I need to give her 100% of me.  Cleaning, exercising and shopping fall second to her.  Does everyone have this 'mommy guilt'?