Monday, June 17, 2013


It has been on my heart for a very long time that my family and I need to be healthier.  It has been on my heart since the 3rd grade.  Now, as a mom, I really want to encourage healthy eating habits and being physically fit.  I truly feel that each month that passes I learn something new.  With each new month we are becoming healthier as a family.  I want to take that to the next level. Honestly, it is no secret that I desperately need to shed a few pounds.  My son, Jacob is already struggling with acid reflux.  My husband, as thin as he is, still needs to eat healthier.  He struggles with acid reflux as well.  My objective is to nearly eliminate fast food from our diets.  I don't want to simply be cooking more at home.  I want to be cooking clean and eliminating processed foods from our house and lives.  Does that sound like a lot?  It does to this girl.  I know with every ounce of me that we will accomplish this as a family.  I want a clean, active lifestyle without calorie counting.  I am not going on a diet.....ever again.  This is a journey that will last a lifetime.  I am ready.  Most important that anything else is I know God is with me on this journey.  I can feel his hand on me saying the time is right.  A lifetime of mistakes and learning has led me to where I am today.  Today I met with an incredible lady to help me start this journey.  People don't just fall into our lives.  God places them into our lives with a purpose.  This lady I met with has so much information.  She is passionate and has the heart of a teacher.  So, for now on I am using this blog as my place to talk fitness, nutrition, and all the struggles that come with making these dramatic changes to our simple little family.  This morning I left that lady's house feeling inspired, excited and my head was swimming with all the info!  Some of my major concerns that immediately pop into my head (I am sure there are more that will come along) is my major addiction to sugar, especially my afternoon stops at Starbucks, determining when I am going to workout and more importantly sticking to my plan and what the heck am I going to make for dinner.  I was going to title this post 'Day 1'.  However, that couldn't be farther from the truth.  These changes have been a long time coming.  And honestly, I have already been making many changes to our diet slowly, little by little.  Meeting with someone face to face and asking for help was a huge step foward for me. 

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