Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just Tuesday

This morning we had a playdate with my sister and another friend.  My boys are definitely in a stage of bickerness.  They are constantly bickering, fighting, argueing, wrestling and tattling.  This morning was rough trying to get out of the house.  It is so frustrating to set up fun things for the kids to do and then fight with them to get out of the house. We met at the park.  This particular park the kids love.  It is a new park and the playground equipment is awesome.  The only downside is there is no shade.  There is also this ginormous hill the kids love to climb before we leave.  They call it the 'mountain'.   After 2 hours of playing and climbing the mountain my kids were a whining, complaining mess.  They all melted down.  Is that typical?  I feel like somewhere along the way I have raised lazy kids.  The whole meltdown just discouraged me so much.  The boys are only 6, and they are complaining like old men, like really old men. 
This morning I had my Shakeology for breakfast.  I mixed it will a Starbucks Via instant coffee packet, 8 oz almond milk, a little peppermint extract and lots of water.  It is delicious.  I love my Shakeology.  Snack at the park was a mix of berries and watermelon.  Delicious.  I felt very satisfied and not hungry.  Not hungry till we hit the car to come home.  Oh my goodness.  Maybe it was the stress of the kids and their meltdowns, but I was starving.  I was kinda getting shaky too.  I came home and made lunch.  That is huge for me.  At a moment of starvation and crying kids not driving through a fast food place was a major accomplishment.  This time I was strong.  By the way, forgot to mention the kids had bagels and cream cheese for breakfast.  Not healthy at all.  When I was munching on fruit at the park they were stealing their Aunt's potato chips. Again, not healthy.  Lunch for the kids was peanut butter (all natural, only one ingredient) and nutella on whole grain tortillas.  They had it with bananas and grapes. For me I had a turkey brat plain, a spicy black bean 'burger' with an ultra thin slice of cheese.  I also had a my 'dessert'.  It's a cup of plain greek yogurt, a tablespoon of pb (I am out of pb2), 2 stevia pkts, a few mini chocolate chips.  I probably consumed way too much protein and calories.  I can immediately see my need for veggies in our diet.  I haven't been to store in forever.  That is on my to do list for this afternoon.  The thought of dragging four kids to the store sounds horrible.  But Jeff is working late, so that is my only option.  Juliet didn't have a rollup for lunch.  She had a banana, cheesestick, and one packet of fruit snacks.  If you have stumbled upon this blog and find it boring to be reading what my kids and I have ate I apologize.  It is for me and my accountability.  Sadly, most days I have no idea what eat kid consumed.  I am trying to put some structure into our day.  Okay, till dinner.....

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