Saturday, August 14, 2010


Jeff made me feel guilty for being so descriptive about my grandma. He said I was a little harsh. I was really being sarcastic about holding her under the water. But seriously, I would never hurt someone. It just helps to talk about it. Anyhow, I am feeling much better today. I am sure today will be a great day. It has started off a little bumpy. Jeff went golfing this morning. I am really excited for him. However, I am not so excited about it that he needed to turn all the lights on and keep asking me questions at 6am. Every time I answered him he would say, "what?" That drives me crazy lately. Whether I am asleep or not every time I tell him something he says,"what?" I know he can hear me. I am constantly repeating myself. So, lately I just ignore him and I have stopped repeating myself. And you know what?? He totally heard me. Why is it a habit to come back with 'what?' after everything I say? It makes me want to tie him down with duct tape and pluck every single hair out of his eye brows with tweezers very slowly. Is that too descriptive? Maybe I will just start hiding all his cans of tobacco like I used to. That was kinda entertaining. Anyhow, I feel bad about talking about my grandma and I am sorry. And I guess I should say I am sorry for talking about my hubbie too. I would never hurt the hand feeds me and my kids. Plus, he is actually a pretty awesome husband but don't tell him. He probably wouldn't even hear you anyways.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up!! I'm sure people that know you well have all heard your descriptive plots when you are angry! I get a kick out of them... the one with your hubby is a new one :) I hate when my hubby says "what?" when I ask him something. I've figured out over the years that when he does that he is buying more time because he doesn't want to honestly answer the question. Oh yeah, he heard it, he just doesn't want to answer.
