Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life list

Today was the boys second day of school. Things are going really great. I am feeling very blessed for the opportunity to be with Juliet and manage to be productive at the same time. Tonight I hung out with Nikki and Tiffany. My husband is especially sweet. I had two girls nights out this week! Tuesday I had a great time hanging out with Kico. I always very much enjoying catching up with Kico. Tonight I hung out with Nikki and Tiffany. I have no idea where the time goes. We met at Tiffanys at 7p and I didn't leave until after 12:30! They say it is me that is so long winded. I think that is ridiculous. I like to keep things short and to the point. Regardless this has been a very good week of seeing family and friends and starting the school year.

Recently I updated my life list. Some people refer to list like this as bucket list. But I have no plans of kicking the bucket anytime soon, unless God has other plans for me. I like to keep list like this to remind me of my goals, dreams and things that I would just like to accomplish. Some stuff is silly and out there. But it is kinda meant to be a little out there.
1. Hike the Grand Canyon
2. Visit Alaska and experience 24 hours of daylight
3. Jog the mini marathon (I walked it in May)
4. Make a complete Thanksgiving dinner (I am really intimidated by the turkey)
5. Go on vacation for Thanksgiving
6. Take the kids to a different state every year for vacation
7. Sponsor or adopt a child
8. Meet Paula Deen
9. Visit Holy Land
10. Become a photographer
11. Build my kids an amazing playhouse, like ridiculous
12. Weigh under 180 (I know some of you are amazed and think I can check this one off my list.)
13. Go to NYC at Christmas time
14. Be more outgoing
15. Be confident, stop doubting all my decisions and be more comfortable in my own skin
16. Make a quilt (I was almost able to check that one off)
17. Be fit and in shape
18. learn Spanish
19. Have a garden
20. Run a flower shop after I retire
21. Visit Maine and Ireland
22. Have a log cabin on some land
23. Have a second modest lake house (which lake to be determined later)
24. Finally obtain my degree (I would work on this one, however I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up)
25. Read the Bible in a year, but continue to read it over again every year
26.Learn to make furniture
27. Buy $1000. pair of shoes
28. Drive a dump truck (This is the only one I have checked off. Thanks, Mike)
29. milk a cow
30. skydive.....maybe
31. be the proud owner of my dream car, a Woody. You know, one of the old jeep wagons. Yes, that is truly my dream car.
32. Learn to drive a motorcycle (this one was added to the list prior to having kids. I am not so sure about it anymore)
33. To grow my relationship with Christ everyday closer to him
34. To learn how to live more simple (It is really weighing on me to cancel all cable television. However, I do not have the nerve to turn it off. Why? Am I addicted to my tv? I hardly watch it, but the thought of it not being there terrifies me.)
There you have it. I am constantly adding to it. What is on your list?

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