Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First day of school!

Today was the first day of school! It went so very smoothly. I am really excited for the school year. As soon as the boys got up this morning they were eager to get to school. At school the staff takes the kiddos right out of the car. There isn't time for meltdowns or tears. They are whisked away so quickly. It was darling. Jeff drove and as he pulled out of the parking lot I kept looking back, but the boys did not. They were so cute walking together up the sidewalk. But no tears were shed. We all did good. While the boys were at school Jeff and I made our first trip of the season to the apple orchard. We went to Apple Works and stocked up on apples. It was so easy taking Juliet. It was like we were on vacation. We weren't there long. Then we drove back home and put together a picnic lunch. We surprised the boys and took them to the park after school for the picnic. As a bigger surprise their cousins and aunt met us there. Needless to say, all five kiddos (including Jeff) are very asleep right now. Pure heavenly. One quiet house so worth the $312 a month. Oh, plus they did already learn things today. One thing I am going to hear so much this year is,"Miss Chris says....Miss Chris does it this way....Miss Chris..." Miss Chris is the boys teacher and they were already talking up a storm about her. Which I am thrilled about. I really want them to love her. Today they learned how to wash their hands. It is so funny. I have showed them the same things two hundred times this summer about washing their hands. Don't turn the water on high, use soap, use warm water, don't forget to dry their hands. But magically when Miss Chris showed them today it finally stuck! It is a miracle. Regardless it was so darling when Jackson said,"Miss Chris says turn the water on low so we don't waste it for the kitty cats." He said it so sweetly in a low voice. I have no idea what it meant, but it was darling. When we picked the boys up from school they were so pumped. They were all talking so fast I couldn't understand what they were saying. Jonah said,"I played with two....no three other kids! And we rode in a plane and it went high into the sky! I played with Will and he is nice!" Jackson said, "I cried because I wanted you and Daddy. I colored you a picture today!" Jacob said, "I didn't cry only Jackson cried. I was a big boy!" Today was a very good day. Okay, I am still having issues posting pics. They always upload in a random order of craziness. When we got home to make sandwiches I couldn't find Juliet. She was in the closet eating her cookie. We recently switched the boys from car seats to booster seats. She was sitting in the car seat in the closet eating. I hope not a sign how she will be later in life. Anyhow, it was very cute. She is funny. I asked her where is Jacob, Jonah and Jackson. She started pointing at the door and talking up a storm. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but she told me a whole long story. I asked her if she wanted to go get them. She grabbed her blankie and ran for the door. I guess she missed her older brothers.

Here is Juliet in the closet.

This was the drop off line at school this morning. Miss Chris is the lady with dark hair posing with the boys. They are all in the same class.

They each had a big bag of school supplies they had to take with them. They thought that was so cool. They loved having a grocery sack with stuff.

I love this pic. I am not sure who this lady is. But I LOVE when people are warm and inviting to my kids. Nothing melts my heart more than to see people open up to my kids. I love that she was so excited to see them.

Jacob on the way to school. I love their little outfits today. Grandma Glo recently bought these shirts for them. They had a new outfit for today.

Juliet. My daughter is so precious. I don't think she has ever taken a bad picture until this one. I think she is still cute, but not a fav pic. Sorry.

My handsome hubbie loading the kids into the car.


Jackson! We went out front this morning to take these pics. I can't believe we had enough time for photos. These almost look like mug shots in front of that wall.



Family photo

Jacob getting his shoes on. I wanted to document every moment of the morning. I was so excited for today. It isn't just the first day of preschool, it is the first day of school period. The boys are getting so old. I was thinking how it seems like not that long ago when I was so sad to have three little babies in a hospital together. I remember when they were born wondering if they would ever be big enough to walk, get dressed by themselves, or even talk. They were so tiny. I didn't think they could ever possibly grow big. That was such a hard time. Jonah was only 3 pounds 5 ounces at birth. Now he has this great big voice and he runs around like a daredevil.

Jackson putting his shoes and socks on by himself. The boys had oatmeal for breakfast.

Jonah is completely dressed and ready to walk out the door in this picture. But he was desperately trying to go back to bed.

I am thrilled how today turned out. This was a day I could relive over and over again. I am so proud of my three little men!

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