Sunday, June 27, 2010

A bad case of the grumpies!

Don't we all have days when we feel like this? Today is one of those days. The older I get the more I get to know myself. One thing I have learned is I do not handle change well. When I say that I am not talking about moving or something drastic. I don't like when my day steers away from its daily schedule. I am like Rain Man. I like having some sort of schedule to our day. When our day is unexpected or off I can be kinda grumpy. For example, the last two days all six of us have taken naps together. My biggest complaint about being a mom is that you never get to take naps. So, this big family nap time is really a blessing. So, it really surprises me how much it has really upset me. Having family nap time means I did not stick with my regular cleaning the house, having a little me time, or doing laundry while everyone else was asleep. Now I am just grumpy with myself for slacking. Then it just keeps spiraling. Now the kids are going to be awake. They are never going to let me clean. Jeff doesn't have anything for lunch tomorrow. I need to catch up with the laundry. I still need to go to the grocery. Plus, I just have a sickness to myself for letting myself be so irresponsible. I mean one day of taking a nap is okay, but two. Geez! The other thing that makes me grumpy is when I am running late and I go to get dressed and my pants don't fit. I start yelling and I am instantly very nasty. There have been many functions that Jeff and I have attended that the whole way there I am apologizing like crazy to Jeff explaining the sizes of Jackie through the years to him. Things like, 'it started in 3rd grade...then after high school...see you understand now, honey?' Okay, so I get up this morning and the first thing I do everyday is pee and then weigh myself. I am a creature of habit. I was pumped for this morning because I felt like I did okay eating yesterday. But no! Holy cow! I gained 3 pounds from yesterday! And I am looking down at the over sized t-shirt I wearing thinking, 'wow, you weigh 3 pounds.' So, I took the shirt off and it didn't even weigh a pound. So, that started the day off rocky. We actually did a lot today and yesterday but I will blog about that later. Right now, it is all about me. I need to do some venting so I don't take my frustrations on my poor innocent husband and kiddos. I am just very grumpy with myself right now. I need to move on and release it. I need to tackle the rest of the weekend and be productive. So, at 7:10p on Sunday evening I am going to do just that!

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